New Beginnings…

The last of the JHB launch attendees

And just like that – we’re into 2023. Hello and welcome! Trust you found space to recharge and replenish and we hope the year will be a fulfilling and meaningful one for you. 

The Gestalt approach to organisation and systems development

The rapid and exploratory growth of human behaviour approaches during the 1940s was the context in which Fritz Perls, Paul Goodman, Laura Perls and Isadore From laid the foundations of Gestalt psychology. Their approach arose out of Perls’ attack on the Freudian model, and culminated in a framework for understanding human behaviour now known as […]

Handout on Change

The world of work, achievement, getting things done, is about all change. Change is not something that comes along once in a while in our work lives, it is present all the time. Change is a constant and a given. It has external aspects (new projects, a new boss, a new strategy…) and an internal dimension (our reactions and responses, uncertainty,..):

Navigating the transition online

The rapid spread of the Coronavirus has had – and will continue to have – serious health, economic, and social implications. The pandemic is creating levels of uncertainty that haven’t been seen for decades and is causing unprecedented levels of disruption to the workplace. In a time of so many unknowns and significant isolation, people […]