New Beginnings…

The last of the JHB launch attendees

And just like that – we’re into 2023. Hello and welcome! Trust you found space to recharge and replenish and we hope the year will be a fulfilling and meaningful one for you. 

For many, the beginning of the year is a time for resolutions (like “we will post more articles on our blog”), but for the first post of the year we’re going to indulge ourselves in something more typically associated with the end of a year – reflection. 

2022 was a big year for us; we ran our 7th Introduction to Gestalt course, offered 3 masterclasses, hosted a community of practice every month and, most significantly, formally launched Gestalt Africa and this website, of which we’re very proud. The launch was an ambitious affair; simultaneous events in Johannesburg, Accra and online, with recorded messages of support from all over the globe (you can view those messages below). We’re very grateful to everyone who contributed, encouraged us, gave guidance, and generally made us feel like we’re part of a broader community. (The picture at the top of this post are the stragglers from the JHB event – despite the scarf!)

The community aspect of our work is important to us; while we obviously have an African focus, we hope to play a part in enriching the global body of Gestalt theory and practice and building connections with the broader community is extremely important to us. Our mission is as much to bring Africa to Gestalt as it is to bring Gestalt to Africa! 

The birth of Gestalt Africa was the realisation of a long held dream, and the final piece of the puzzle is the launch of our first 12 month Leadership Programme which will happen in the second half of this year. We’re more than just a little excited. Never ones to miss an opportunity to plug our offerings, please have a look here and give us a call if it speaks to you. 

Thank you again to everyone who contributed through messages of support. Here are the videos we showed on the night:

North America (contributions from Mary Ann Rainey, Dorothy Siminovitch, Jonno Hanafin, Cortney Cahill and Harold Hill)

Europe and Israel (contributions from John Leary Joyce, the Intagio group, Tali Bar Josef Levin and Joanna Mcminn)

And mighty Africa! (contributions from Eileen Meyer, Dan Inkoom, Ewurasi Dei-Anang, Nathaniel Mjema, Lechesa Tsenoli and Kubeshni Govender)

Here’s to a wonderful year!

The GA team

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